A Mother's Day Message From Senator Craig M. Johnson

Craig M. Johnson

As Mother's Day approaches, I want to take the opportunity to thank all the mothers that play a vital role in helping to shape and strengthen our families, our neighborhoods and Nassau County as a whole.

We are fortunate to have such deeply passionate and involved women, many of whom juggle parental duties with a career, and yet still find time to work to improve the lives of their neighbors.

Our communities are enriched in immeasurable ways through your work as civic leaders, elected officials, businesswomen, educators, or other volunteer, or  professional capacities.

Many of you are trail blazers that have worked to overcome personal hardships, obstacles, and gender bias. Due to your success -- your daughters and others after them have the benefit of a more level playing field.

I thank you for what is often a thankless job.

And I thank you for imparting your values on your children, as my mother, Barbara Johnson had imparted her values on me.

It is from her that I learned the joy of serving my community and the importance of striving to make it a better place. It is her memory and her inspiration that have guided me in my public life.

And it is your continued work that continues to inspire.

One again, Thank you.