Senator Craig Johnson Brings Dot To Mineola To Discuss Roslyn Road Grade Crossing Elimination Project.

Craig M. Johnson

Senator Craig Johnson last week hosted a meeting with the New York State Department of Transportation and concerned residents from Mineola to discuss the progress of the Roslyn Road Grade Crossing Elimination project. 

Senator Johnson was first joined by DOT officials, Russell Sutherland, President of the Board of Birchwood Court Owners, Inc. and Michael Nath, Property Manager for the Birchwood Apartments, for an on-site visit. They continued the discussion at the DOT Field office on Old Country Road.

"I want to thank the DOT for providing an update on this vitally important project that will have a positive impact on traffic mitigation in Mineola and the surrounding communities," said Senator Johnson.  "It is important for the State to be aware of the effect these major projects can have on local residents before, during, and after construction."

"I am very grateful to Senator Johnson for reaching out to us for assistance regarding the project," said Sutherland.  "I have great confidence that this project will go forward with mutual cooperation between the residents, the DOT and Senator Johnson's office."

During the meeting, the DOT stated their hopes that the project will be completed this year, possibly by the summer.