Statement By State Sen. Darrel J. Aubertine On Brownfields Legislation:
"The need for a more efficient brownfield cleanup program has been critical and I am very pleased that we were able to come together with the Assembly and Governor to get this done today. Throughout Central and Northern New York, and statewide, there are many locations ranging from old industrial sites to closed corner gas stations that get passed up for new development. This program will help bring them back to life and generate new revenue for the state and local communities.
"When these sites sit dormant, they benefit no one. By encouraging their redevelopment through targeted tax incentives, we can get them back on the tax rolls and create new jobs.
"The passage of S8717 is a big step forward for New York State. With this legislation we can improve on our economic development model, making it more efficient as well as introducing a new level of accountability. There is more work ahead when it comes to strengthening the program to ensure tax breaks are best used and that we get the best results possible for our communities. This is a major victory and big first step."