Senator Skelos Secures Money For The Stephanie Joyce Kahn Foundation Of Long Beach

Dean G. Skelos

Senate Majority Leader Dean G. Skelos (9th Senate District) recently announced that he has secured $30,000 for the Stephanie Joyce Kahn Foundation. This money will be used to help in the costs associated with the Stephanie Joyce Kahn Mobile Auto Library Program. This program distributes audio cassette recordings of popular books, magazines, old time radio shows and other materials to hospital patients, nursing home residents and home-bound individuals.

The Stephanie Joyce Kahn Foundation is dedicated to improving the quality of life for hospitalized and homebound individuals, and developmentally disabled children and adults, all free of charge to the recipient. Its mission is to reach every eligible person and provide them with the SJK Listening Therapy Program, as a therapeutic adjunct to the healing process by reducing and eliminating, pain, stress, anxiety, depression and sleeplessness. By addressing the emotional needs of their recipients the foundation is able to reduce the need for intervention by nursing staff, reduce their requests for pain medication, and more significantly reduce the length of their hospitalization thereby reducing health care costs.

"The Stephanie Joyce Khan Foundation provides an important service to many individuals facing the challenges of a disability," said Senator Skelos. "Its continued commitment to increasing the quality of life of their recipients through independent activity furthers the healing process and helps maintain dignity."