Csi Gets Donation From Sen. Savino

Diane J. Savino


STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- College of Staten Island baseball coach Mike Mauro has been on the job a little more than a month and he's already hit a home run.

State Sen. Diane Savino (D-North Shore/Brooklyn) presented a check of $500 to the Dolphins, who were represented by head coach Mauro, assistant coach Neil Barbella and members of the NCAA Division III baseball team.

CSI plans to use the funding toward winter indoor equipment, including the purchase of an pitcher's mound, nets and baseball tees.

"(Savino is) a very good friend of the Dolphins and we're very grateful for what she has given us," said Mauro.

The Dolphins presented Savino with a CSI Dolphin jacket and hat during the ceremony on the baseball field at the Willowbrook campus.

CSI is scheduled to host an inaugural Blue/Black Fall World Series scrimmage Friday night at 7. The Dolphins will close out their fall work with a nine-inning intrasquad game. The game is open to the public and admission is free.