Eric Sponsors Shalom Tenants Alliance Meeting

Eric T. Schneiderman

On Thursday, February 7th, I was proud to sponsor a Shalom Tenants Alliance meeting with State Senator Tom Duane at the Mt. Sinai Jewish Center in Washington Heights. Over the years, tenants in the Shalom buildings have experienced harassment, lack of services, illegal and dangerous construction, robberies and many other conditions which make their homes uninhabitable.

At the event, representatives from city and state agencies, as well as attorneys and organizers from pro-tenant organizations, answered questions for the more than 200 tenants in attendance. I want to thank the panelists, the tenants, and the organizers from the Shalom Tenants Alliance for helping to make the meeting a great success.

I have long argued that tenants who know their rights are in a much better position to fight back against their landlord—and this landlord is arguably among the worst in the city. I encourage tenants who live in Shalom-owned buildings, as well as tenants from other buildings across the city, to join me in the fight for stronger tenant laws in the New York State.

If you have any questions about your rights as a tenant, please do not hesitate to contact my district office at 212-928-5578.