New Shared-services Project Planned For Bath's Dormann Library

George Winner

Bath, N.Y., October 20--Area students will gain valuable, real world construction experience -- and community residents will gain a new educational facility -- under a local shared-services project announced today by State Senator George Winner (R-C-I, Elmira), State Assemblyman Jim Bacalles (R-C-I, Corning), Greater Southern Tier BOCES (GST BOCES) Superintendent Anthony J. Micha, and representatives of the Dormann Library in Bath.

The state and local leaders unveiled plans, as part of the Dormann’s Library ongoing Phase II expansion project, for students from the GST BOCES Coopers Campus in Painted Post to put their construction skills to use in building an addition to the library that will provide space for BOCES-sponsored literacy and worker retraining programs.

Winner and Bacalles said that they have secured $100,000 in state funding to assist the joint, shared-services undertaking.

"I’m a strong believer in undertaking community projects in the most cost-effective way possible and shared-services projects like this one have proven successful," said Winner. "This addition to the Dormann Library represents an all-around positive initiative that addresses important educational and economic needs, and gives some local students a chance to put their skills to the test."

"This project provides local students with a valuable hands-on learning experience, enhances the Dormann Library, and provides space for the GST BOCES to offer literacy and job retraining opportunities for community residents," said Bacalles. "It’s an exciting initiative."

The Dormann Library has been utilizing private and public funding over the past few years to significantly expand its facility and enhance the services it offers to residents in and around the Bath community.

Phase I of the library expansion, completed earlier this year, involved the construction and installation of an Internet Cafe. Phase II calls for the construction of a new educational facility to accommodate a variety of community service and work force training initiatives and provide space for regional colleges and other educational institutions to offer specific, on-site instruction.

Micha said that the new addition will give the GST BOCES a centrally located place to bring its literacy and job retraining programs to more Steuben C0unty residents.