Senator Farley Salutes Donald Hirshorn For His Work With Rpea
Below is the Citation:
Honoring Donald P. Hirshorn
Upon His Retirement from the Retired Public Employees Association
WHEREAS, The State of New York takes great pride in acknowledging significant milestones in the distinguished careers of its esteemed residents; and
Donald P. Hirshorn announced his retirement as Counsel for the Retired Public Employees Association (RPEA) effective September 30, 2007; andWHEREAS,
Don earned a BA from Union College and a LLB/JD degree from Albany Law School; andWHEREAS,
He served as Assistant Attorney General for the State of New York for twenty years before his retirement, and is also a private practice attorney; andWHEREAS,
Don began his distinguished tenure at RPEA as a lobbyist in 1990 and has served as Counsel since 1996; andWHEREAS,
He belongs to the Schenectady County Bar Association, the New York State Bar Association, the American Society of Professional Administrators, the Retired Officers Association of the United States, the National Guard Association of the United States, and the New York State Militia Association; andWHEREAS,
Don also contributes his time to the Schenectady County Bar Association Legal Aid Committee, Schenectady Public Library, Mohawk Valley Library Association, Jewish Community Center, United Jewish Federation of NENY, Congregation Gates of Heaven, Board of Niskayuna Community Action Program, State Academy of Public Administrators, Union College Alumni Council, Reserve Officers Association of the U.S., and the National Guard Association of the U.S.; andWHEREAS,
He was a tremendous asset to RPEA, working hard in support of the COLA law and the Supplementation bill and devoting extraordinary leadership, creativity, and patience to the pursuit of retiree health insurance protection; andWHEREAS,
His wonderful tradition of dedication, enthusiasm, and expertise will be carried on by the many who have been inspired by his extraordinary example; now, therefore, be itRESOLVED,
That as a duly elected member of the New York State Senate, I take this opportunity to congratulate Donald P. Hirshorn upon his retirement from the Retired Public Employees Association and to wish him luck in his future endeavors.