Seward Comments On Budget

James L. Seward

Senator James L. Seward commented on the governor's proposed 2008-2009 state budget, unveiled in Albany today.

"Under the governor's budget, if you drive a car, own a home or want to buy one, you'll pay more money. You'll also pay more for your health insurance.

"A first look at the governor's proposed budget indicates that it taxes too much, spends too much, and is light on help for upstate New York. It spends at twice the rate of inflation.

"From the $1.7 billion in new taxes and fees to the cuts in property tax relief, the budget has some seriously misplaced priorities.

"New Yorkers are overtaxed and overburdened. Our property taxes are the highest in the country per person, and that's why I have proposed both short and long term changes in order to provide property tax relief.

"I am concerned about his proposals that would increase the cost of health insurance by hiking assessments and taxes on health insurers -- costs that get passed along. The last thing people need right now, on top of soaring gasoline costs and property taxes is more expensive health insurance.

"We will be reviewing the budget between now and April 1 to correct some of his priorities and ensure that we offer property tax relief, help for the upstate economy, and relief for high energy costs."