Seward Lends A Hand With Veterans' Memorial

James L. Seward

State Senator James L. Seward today announced a $5,000 senate grant for the Sharon Springs American Legion Post 1269’s monument project to honor local casualties of World War II and the Korean War. Seward announced the funding at Sharon Springs Central School with legion and school officials.

The legion plans to add sections commemorating five SSCS graduates who gave their lives in World War II and the Korean War to the original World War I monument located at the school.

"This is about honoring the sacrifices of those who helped keep our country free, and sought to take freedom to others around the world," Seward said. "I commend Legion Post 1269 and Post Commander Dave Costello for their commitment to ensuring that we remember those who gave their lives for our country. It’s especially fitting that we do so as we prepare to observe Memorial Day."

A pair of granite memorials will flank the World War I monument to honor the deaths of Richard Buttery (Korea), Walter Sall, Howard Slater, Andrew Empie and Laurence Stephens -- the latter four were World War II servicemen. The project, including the cleaning of the existing monument, is expected to reach $20,000.

The senate initiative sponsored by Seward was included in the 2008-2009 state budget and was itemized under new disclosure rules. It will be administered by the state veterans’ office.