Virgil Project Gets State Lift

James L. Seward

ALBANY, 10/24/08 -- The Town of Virgil will get $75,000 in special transportation aid to help finish its Clute Road relocation project, Senator James L. Seward (R/I/C-Oneonta) announced today.

The funding will help fund the $95,000 cost of the town's installation of a state DOT mandated culvert across Route 392 to improve stormwater control; and to construct 1250 feet of guide rail along the new road. The project is intended to improve access and enhance safety on the road that serves a major tourist destination - Greek Peak.

"This is about helping the town pay for important safety improvements without hitting the town highway budget and the town taxpayer," Senator Seward said. "With the transportation funding, we can help reduce pressure on property tax rates."

"I want to thank you for your tremendous continuing support for important town programs and initiatives," said Town Supervisor John Kaminski. "Without your support, our town would be unable to undertake projects that are essential to our development and the wellbeing of our residents."

The funding is from the Multi-Modal program and is designated by the state senate.