Bonacic Secures $2 Million For Rail Improvements At Port Jervis
State Senator John J. Bonacic (R/I/C – Mt. Hope), MTA Metro North President Howard Permut, and local officials today announced that millions will be invested in upgrades to the Port Jervis Metro-North Station to expand service and improve the Port Jervis station.
“Mass transit needs massive investment. We need to do more to make the west side of the Hudson accessible by train with a more frequent schedule and faster service,” Senator Bonacic said.
Senator Bonacic said that the $2 million in state funding is part of the 2005-09 MTA Capital Program reserve and will be allocated for Station improvements including improved station amenities and accessibility, as well as the design of yard expansion that will allow for the accommodation of an increasing number of commuters by adding two additional express trains in the morning and two in the evening. Currently, there are 12 New York bound trains and 12 Port Jervis bound trains on weekdays and 7 trains in each direction on weekends.
City Councilman Damian Brady has met with Senator Bonacic to work on the expansion of the Port Jervis line. “Port Jervis can have a growing and vibrant downtown but we need all our State and federal officials pulling with us. Senator Bonacic has stepped up in a big way here and hopefully we can see similar support from our other State and Federal officials, as well as the Orange County Legislature,” Brady said.
The MTA has indicated that ridership from Port Jervis is growing and turned to Bonacic to help secure more funds to help allow for a continuation of that growth. “As ridership from our westernmost terminal continues to grow, it is crucial that Metro-North expand the Port Jervis Yard so that we are able to add more train service in the future,” said Metro-North President Howard Permut. “We are grateful for the funding from Senator Bonacic, which allows us to design a yard layout that will hold up to 15 additional coaches and make the station more attractive to our customers.”
“With energy prices cutting into everyone’s wallet, people need access to mass transit as an alternative to driving their cars. Not only is this good for the family budget, fewer cars on the road alleviate traffic tie-ups and lowers toxic emissions which is also good for our environment,” Bonacic continued.
Orange County MTA Board member Susan Metzger stated, “The Port Jervis train station is ready for a makeover and this funding will enable us to improve customer amenities. For visitors and Orange County residents alike, the station will be a welcoming gateway to our community. With a new shelter and benches, new lights and signs, a modern public address system and better ADA accessibility, it will be just that. In addition, we will be preparing for an expanded yard that in turn allows us to add more service in this growing area. We are grateful to Senator Bonacic for his efforts.”
Senator Bonacic concluded, “Improving the quality of life for the residents includes making improvements to and ensuring greater access to mass transit in our region. I am pleased to work to secure State funds for this project and look forward to seeing the expansion come to fruition.”