Senator John Sampson Makes Worldwide Plea To Save 10-year Old Girl

John L. Sampson

Senator John Sampson (D-Brooklyn) will host a news conference seeking medical attention for 10-year old Jewel Sulker, a young constituent that was born with a rare series of birth defects, a combination of which has never been seen before. Jewel is in need of multiple surgeries to make her comfortable as well as ensure she lives her life as long as humanly possible. Currently, there are no cures for Jewel’s disorders and Senator Sampson is calling for doctors and surgeons to come forth with innovative medical procedures to care for these maladies.


WHO:                 Senator John Sampson,

                             Jewel Sulker and

                             Ms. Dianne Brown, Jewel’s mother


DATE:                Tuesday, July 15, 2008


TIME:                 2:00 p.m.


LOCATION:     1076 Crescent Street, Second Floor

                             (between Flatlands Avenue and Cozine Street)

                             Brooklyn, NY  11208


Senator Sampson is asking specialists or health organizations interested in assisting with this matter to immediately call his district office at (718) 649-7653.


The media is encouraged to attend.