Senator Marches In Puerto Rican Day Parade

José M. Serrano

The Senator and staff once again participated in the annual Puerto Rican Day Parade, which graced Fifth Avenue on June 7, 2008. On the same weekend, he distributed valuable community resources and literature at the Puerto Rican Day Festival on East 116th Street.

"I am so proud to trace my roots to the island of Puerto Rico, and the pioneers who came here to build and diversify the City of New York," said the Senator. "I believe the Puerto Rican experience is an integral part of the American fabric."
The Senator, who marched with his father, Congressman José E. Serrano, joined community leaders, elected officials, union members, performers and athletes, in addition to more than a million cheering residents, on the hallowed boulevard.
"Puerto Ricans have always made tremendous contributions to this city, in everything from its economy to its arts and culture," he said.
"Moreover, the needs of the Puerto Rican community are consistent with the needs of the city and country at large. It is for this reason that I continue the fight for affordable housing and healthcare, access to nutritious foods and quality education, and environmental justice."