Senator Serrano Meets With The United Federation Of Teachers

José M. Serrano

On March 11th, Senator Serrano met with representatives from the United Federation of Teachers to discuss the many challenges facing teachers and students in the state's schools.

The Senator, who sits on both the Senate Education and Senate Higher Education Committees, discussed important issues such as class size and school budgets with the members of the UFT during a meeting in his Albany office.

"Our educators play an important role in ensuring the overall economic, social and intellectual health and well-being of our state," the Senator said. "I will continue to fight to ensure that the state gives them all the tools that they need to do their jobs properly."

Senator Serrano has long been a staunch supporter of a strong public education system as a means to encourage social mobility, to create and develop responsible young people and to serve as a base for the development of the economy of New York State.

To discuss matters surrounding the schools in the 28th District, the Senator will be hosting a forum on Thursday April 17th at the Paterson Houses. The forum begins at 6:30 p.m. and will be at 340 Morris Avenue, between 141st and 142nd Streets.