Senate Passes Bill Banning All Portable Electronic Devices For Teen Drivers

Martin J. Golden



The New York State Senate today passed legislation (S.8332), sponsored by Senator Martin Golden (R-C, Brooklyn), that would prohibit the use of any and all electronic devices for drivers under the age of eighteen, including but not limited to iPods, texting devices and cell phones, including hands-free cell phones

"Teen drivers are inundated with distractions while they are behind the wheel, creating a dangerous situation for themselves, their passengers, and other drivers on the road," said Senator Golden. "This bill would prohibit the use of any electronic devices by drivers under the age of eighteen, removing the distractions of technology and allowing young, more inexperienced drivers to focus on the road, making highways throughout New York State safer for all to travel."

"Teen drivers have limited experience and distractions like cell phones, texting devices, and iPods, take their attention off the road," Senate Majority Leader Joseph L. Bruno. "This legislation will make sure teens are focused on driving while behind the wheel, keeping our roads safer for everyone who travels them."

This "driver distraction" bill was announced last month at a Capitol news conference as part of the SAFE-TEEN NY package, designed to keep New York’s younger, less experienced drivers safe while on the road and prevent future tragic accidents.

Senator Golden’s bill builds on legislation already passed by the Senate this year that would prohibit all drivers from writing, sending or reading text messages while driving (S.3195-C, Senator Marcellino).

The bill was sent to the Assembly.