Senator Golden Blasts Spitzer’s Decision On Fares

Martin J. Golden

Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C, Brooklyn) today blasted Governor Spitzer’s decision to freeze subway fares at $2, while potentially allowing other fares to rise. Recently, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority announced an expected year end surplus of $220 million which would be used to allow subway fares to remain at current levels.

"The ramshackle way the MTA runs its operations, and keeps it’s books, has the potential to devastate commuters from the outer boroughs including the community I represent in Brooklyn. By freezing the subway fares and keeping the door open for other fare increases, the Governor is not being upfront with New Yorkers and has shown he is willing to some residents at the expense of other commuters who use mass transit to get to work," said Senator Golden.

The MTA has insisted that each branch of its network which includes bridges and tunnels, commuter rail, subway and bus service generate the same overall percentage in revenue. However, it has been argued that the biggest increase in fares would fall on customers who buy unlimited weekly or monthly Metrocards or pay-per-ride bonus cards.

"The issue of transportation in New York City is a lot like a balloon. If you push down on the balloon in one place, the balloon blows out somewhere else. By holding subway fares down, the Governor is allowing fares to increase for other commuters," continued Senator Golden.

While $2 subway fares may be music to some commuters, it shows that the Governor is completely tone deaf when it comes to the needs of most New Yorkers. It is truly sad when you consider that everything was supposed to change on ‘Day 1." It did change, and for every commuter, with the exception of subway riders, it changed for the worse. It is time for the Governor to open his eyes to the needs of New Yorkers," concluded Senator Golden.