Senator Golden To Host Community Meeting On Local Construction Problems

Martin J. Golden


Brooklyn, NY - Responding to ongoing concerns of local residents regarding the construction project at the Owl’s Head Waste Water Treatment Plant and continuing odor problems stemming from the plant, Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C, Brooklyn) will host a community meeting with officials from the New York City Department of Environmental Protection on Tuesday, October 7, 2008 at 6:30 p.m. at Xaverian High School, 7100 Shore Road.

The community has been apprised of the project periodically over the last year by representatives from New York City DEP, but questions and concerns over the project remain. In an attempt to bring all important information, including updates, explanations and to answer questions of area residents, Senator Golden has invited senior D.E.P. officials, including Commissioner Emily Lloyd, to attend.

Senator Marty Golden said, "When the announcement was made that a major City project would take place at the Owl’s Head plant, this community was anxious to see what improvements would come as a result of it. For many years the odor problem and the spectre of possible health hazards have hung over the heads of residents here. The project promises to reduce the odor problem while enhancing the overall capabilities of the plant. However, residents are in the dark as to the progress of what is going on and are still affected by strong odors and loud noise from the Owl’s Head facility."

Senator Golden continued, "I hope the people of Bay Ridge and surrounding areas will be able to walk away from this meeting with a clearer picture of what is to come with the Owl’s Head project, what work is being done to address the ongoing odor problem, and how DEP plans to work with the community to make the remainder of this project a time marked by a smoother relationship between City agency and residents. Most importantly, DEP officials will be able to hear directly from individuals who have questions and concerns about the project and the Owl’s Head facility in general. I encourage all who have questions and concerns, both general and specific, to come to this meeting to make their voice heard and to gain some valuable knowledge about an important issue in this community."

For any questions or for information, contact Senator Golden’s office at (718) 238-6044.