Saland Announces State Funding For Restoration Of The Hudson Opera House
Senator Steve Saland (R,I,C Poughkeepsie) today announced that the City of Hudson has been awarded $1 million for the restoration of the second floor of the Hudson Opera House. Once restored, the second floor will become a 300 seat performance hall. The grant money is part of $100 million that comprises Year Two funding for the Restore New York’s Communities Initiative (Restore-NY), a program designed to aid municipalities in rehabilitating or removing obsolete or rundown commercial and residential properties, making these sites attractive to residents and businesses searching for new investment opportunities.
"The Restore NY Communities Initiative is a critical tool for creating additional economic development opportunities and improving the quality of life in communities such as Hudson," said Senator Saland. "The Hudson Opera House, built in 1855, is one of the oldest surviving theaters in the country and attracts many visitors to the City. It is a catalyst for economic activity in the region. Given the historic nature of this venue, it is vitally important that its restoration continue," Saland continued.
"Knowing the economic and cultural importance of the Opera House to the City of Hudson, in previous years I have secured close to $420,000 in State grants for the Hudson Opera House for renovations and repairs to the façade, the roof, the plumbing and heating systems, the fire alarm system and a number of other improvements," Saland added.
The three-year, $300 million Restore-NY Communities Initiative was established by the State Legislature in the 2006-07 State budget and is administered by the Empire State Development Corporation (ESDC). Grants are awarded on a competitive basis to municipalities to demolish or rehabilitate qualified commercial or residential structures, making these cleared or restored sites attractive to residents and businesses. Under the program, $50 million was distributed in 2006-07, $100 million announced today in 2007-08; and $150 million will be made available in 2008-09.
"In order for us to continue revitalizing the City of Hudson, we need to further invest in the community," said Assemblyman Marc Molinaro (R,I,C Tivoli). By renovating the celebrated Warren Street Opera House, we are supporting something in the heart of the city that will attract individuals, families, industry and commercial enterprises, ultimately improving the overall economy. I want to thank Senator Saland for his continued commitment and dedication to improving the quality of life for all the residents in Columbia County," Molinaro added.
"The revitalization of communities across New York State is an essential component to generating economic growth and new investment dollars. This initiative gives businesses an incentive to locate here, allowing them to fully take advantage of the tremendous economic and geographic resources that our state has to offer, Saland concluded."
More information regarding the Restore-NY initiative is available online at www.empire.state.ny.us/restoreNY.