Senator Saland Announces Local Volunteer Firefighter Named Volunteer Of Valor

Stephen M. Saland

Senator Saland summarized why he chose Brendon Hernandez as a Volunteer of Valor: “Firefighter Hernandez was on his way home from work when he noticed flames coming from a home on Route 9D. He reported the fire to 911, but noticing a car in the driveway, was concerned that someone may have been trapped inside and might perish before help arrived. Without any protective gear and without regard for his own safety, he and a Fishkill police officer, who had recently arrived on the scene, used a picnic table for height, and standing on the officer’s shoulders, Hernandez pulled the victim from a second story window, saving his life. For his heroism, he was awarded a Medal of Valor from the City of Beacon Fire Department.”

“Brendon Hernandez represents the finest tradition of young men and women who commit themselves to the protection of the public. Brendon’s response demonstrates a selfless and exemplary dedication to public safety. I was pleased to recognize him as a Volunteer of Valor,” Saland concluded.

For a photo and more information on Firefighter Hernandez’s heroic act, go to Volunteers of Valor on the right of the home page.