Senator Saland Secures Funding For Local Libraries In State Budget
Saland secured the following funding in the 2008-2009 State Budget:
- Claverack Free Library (with Assemblyman Marc Molinaro) -- Replace roof -- $8,000
- Hudson Area Association Library (with Assemblyman Marc Molinaro) -- Purchase/install burglar alarm system and purchase laptop computer -- $12,000
- Kinderhook Memorial Library -- Replace roof -- $10,000
- Livingston Free Library -- Replace windows -- $10,450
- New Lebanon Library -- Building improvements -- $28,000
“Senator Saland has again this year done a great service to the Livingston Free Library and it’s many patrons from the town of Livingston. By securing the funds to replace the Library’s deteriorated windows, he has ensured that the character of the building will be preserved while energy efficiency and patron comfort will be enhanced. This project, coupled with the Senator’s past -more-initiatives, allows us to provide the citizens we serve with up to date collections, accessibility, technology and a facility that advances our goal of meeting “green” building standards.” said Donna Lynk, President, Board of Trustees, Livingston Free Library.
“The trustees and staff of the New Lebanon Library are delighted with Senator Saland's support of our Library building improvement project. The grant secured by the Senator completes the funding needed for the first phase of the Library's improvement project," said Trustee President John Dax. "In Phase 1 we are bringing our entranceway into compliance with current codes and accessibility requirements and creating a safer more inviting way for our community to access our Library. The improved entranceway, driveway, lighting and signage we are now able to complete this year will directly reflect the important role our Library plays in the life of the New Lebanon community. Senator Saland is to be applauded for his long-standing and continuing support of public libraries."