Senator Steve Saland Announces State Grant For Columbia Memorial Hospital
The grant will be used to purchase intelligent fusion systems, known as Smart Pumps. This new technology will provide automation in the pharmacy and on nursing units to help reduce medication errors. Smart Pumps are designed to recognize prescription errors, incorrect dosages and keypad entry errors. This type of technology will increase efficiencies and reduce potentially dangerous medication mistakes.
“We’ve all heard news reports about patients who received the wrong medicine or the wrong dose in a hospital, sometimes with tragic results,” said Senator Saland. “While the rate of medication errors in hospitals is relatively low, I’m sure many hospital patients worry whether they will fall victim to one of these mistakes. I commend Columbia Memorial Hospital for seeking new and innovative ways to decrease medication errors. This will not only increase patient safety, but decrease labor costs and increase staff efficiency. I’m glad I was able to secure these funds.”
Jane Ehrlich, President of Columbia Memorial Hospital said, “We are extremely grateful for the funding Senator Saland has procured for our Medication Administration Safety Project. Numerous technological advances geared to improved patient safety have been made in recent years in the field of medication administration and Columbia Memorial Hospital is committed to taking full advantage of those advances. On behalf of our Board of Trustees, our staff, and especially our patients, I want to express our sincere appreciation to the Senator. He has enabled us to take a giant step forward in patient care.”