Senator Squadron Leads the Way Towards More Transparent and Accessible Government. Lets Hope Other Electeds Will Follow

Daniel L. Squadron

Feature article found in Pardon Me for Asking

"Democracy works only if people work on democracy"

Imagine a politician who says that he want to hear from his constituents and actually means it!

Newly-elected State Senator Daniel Squadron had pledged to keep the line of communication open with the people in his district when he took office in January. One would have expected him to forget that promise quickly as many politicians do, but Mr. Squadron kept his word and invited all to his first Community Convention yesterday at the Borough Of Manhattan Community College.

Hundreds attended. All the seats were filled in the large auditorium. Amongst them was a large delegation from Carroll Gardens. Both inspiring and empowering, the convention was a way for our State Senator to formulate his goals and visions for the future together with the people he represents. He urged everyone to "help me represent you better."

Makes one wish that our other elected officials would engage with their constituents in a similar fashion.


    In State Senator Squadron's Own Words:

    Dear Neighbors
    Thank you for participating in the first-ever 25th Senate District Community Convention.
    I believe that our government must be more open, more transparent and more accessible than ever before. I belive we should begin that era of openess right here in our district.

    Today's convention is one part of that process. I am asking for your ideas, and your input, on community and legislative priorities for the coming year.

    I will ask for your perspectives today on everything from MTA funding to campaign finance reform- but I know that today's conversation will only scratch the surface.

    That's why my office is always open to you. I have now opened district offices in both Manhattan and Brooklyn, and I encourage you to call or write with your questions and concerns. As we move forward to address the significant problems our state faces, I want to hear your ideas and your perspectives at every step of the way. Your input helps me do my job, and it helps us built a state government that is truly worthy of the people of New York.

    Thank you for taking the first step with me today. I look forward to working with you through the entire process.
