Sun Continues to Shine on Reform Committee: Rules Reform Committee Meeting Webcast

David J. Valesky

During National Sunshine Week, a national initiative to open a dialogue about the importance of open government and freedom of information, the New York State SenateTemporary Committee on Rules Reform once again webcast of its public meeting and archived the video to its site.

The bipartisan committee, co-chaired by Senators David J. Valesky (D-Oneida) and John Bonacic (R-Mount Hope), was formed to assess the Rules process within the State Senate, and to recommend reforms. The process by which the committee has conducted its work--complete transparency--represents a positive departure from the Senate's closed culture. Public hearings were conducted statewide--and broadcast and archived on the web. The committee will present a draft report of recommendations and a timeline for implementation by April 24.

To view the webcast, click here.