Local GST BOCES Students Honored

George Winner

Albany, N.Y., March 4–State Senator George Winner (R-C-I, Elmira) and Assemblyman Jim Bacalles (R-C-I, Corning) congratulated two area residents who were among 14 adult students from across New York State honored today as “Students of the Year” by the New York Association for Continuing/Community Education (NYACCE).

The organization’s 26th Annual Awards Ceremony and Legislative Forum were held this morning in Albany.  Angela Cook of Corning and Tracy Hussong of Rexville, representing the Greater Southern Tier (GST) BOCES, received “Student of the Year” awards.

“It’s a tribute to the value that these adult students place on education, as well as to their hard work and perseverance,” Winner and Bacalles said in a joint statement.  “Angela and Tracy are outstanding examples of the will to succeed, and a great source of pride to the administration and staff of GST BOCES."    

The NYACCE is the professional organization representing adult education professionals from across the state. 

The chair of this year’s event, Susan Diemert of NYACCE, said, “Each is an outstanding representative of thousands of adult students who benefit from adult education and training programs in New York State.  Worthy nominations from throughout New York State were received from programs offering lifelong learning opportunities to adults.”

Angela Cook is enrolled in the GST BOCES Criminal Justice Program.  She was nominated for the NYACCE award by JoAnne Sutton.

Tracy Hussong, who enrolled in the GST BOCES Cosmetology Program in 2006, recently received her state Cosmetology license.  She was nominated by Rita Jensen.