Senator Winner's reaction to plans for a new CVS distribution center in the Southern Tier

George Winner

Albany, N.Y., June 2– State Senator George Winner (R-C-I, Elmira) called it great news for the Southern Tier economy that plans to construct a CVS distribution center in the town of Chemung are moving forward.

Read more here, and here.

Winner released the following statement:

“The news that the CVS distribution center remains on track and moving forward reinforces the fact that strong local-state partnerships can produce results for the workers of the Southern Tier and all of upstate New York, even under these toughest of economic conditions.

“I hope that it sends a crystal clear message to Governor Paterson and all of New York’s leaders that if you keep investing in upstate New York, good jobs and economic opportunities will follow.

“We need to keep delivering the message that given the right commitment, upstate New York is an attractive place to do business, we offer a high quality work force, and our community leaders will always go the extra mile to spark an economic turnaround for our workers and their families.”   

