Seward Applauds the End of NYRI

James L. Seward

ONEONTA, 04/03/09 – Senator James L. Seward (R/I/C- Oneonta) commented today on reports that New York Regional Interconnect has withdrawn its application to construct a 190 mile electric transmission line across upstate New York:

“I have said all along the NYRI power line would be a bad deal for New York, and have worked diligently with citizens and local elected officials to shut the line down. The news today that NYRI is pulling the plug on their application should be celebrated by everyone in central New York.

“Chenango County, Sherburne, CARI (Citizens Against Regional Interconnect) and STOP NYRI were at the forefront of the fight and should be commended for the united opposition they presented. It is their efforts and the hard work of so many others that forced NYRI to abandon the unacceptable power line project that would have scarred our beautiful upstate landscape and raised electric costs for all New Yorkers.

“This victory shows that by standing together and working for a common theme you can topple so-called industry giants.”

Seward was instrumental in the fight against NYRI;

*Winning legislation to stop NYRI from using eminent domain;
*Securing $1 million in senate funding to aid in the fight;
*Hosted informational meetings with local officials;
*Testified against NYRI during a state Public Service Commission hearing.

NYRI received an unfavorable ruling from federal regulators on March 31, the latest finding against the power line proposal. The company has now told the New York State Public Service Commission that it wants to withdraw its application.