Seward Pays Tribute To Fallen Otsego County Soldier

James L. Seward

ALBANY, 05/26/09 - State Senator James L. Seward (R/C/I-Oneonta) this week presented the family of United States Army Corporal Michael Mayne with the state senate’s Liberty Medal, the highest honor bestowed by the New York State Senate.

Senator Seward awarded the Liberty Medal to Corporal Mayne’s family during the Memorial Day services in Burlington Flats.  Corporal Mayne was killed on February 23, 2009, while on patrol in Iraq.

“The Liberty Medal is conferred on a select few, those who have distinguished themselves by meritorious action against hostile odds.  Corporal Michael Mayne is that type of individual,” said Senator Seward.  “He served with courage, bravery and valor, and made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of his country.”

The Liberty Medal is the highest honor bestowed by the New York State Senate, recognizing those who were willing to sacrifice their lives, or did so, in defense of America and the cause of freedom and world peace.

“In his all too short life, Michael achieved so much, and touched the lives of so many in positive ways.  He fully embodied the values and spirit of this prestigious decoration,” concluded Seward.


See more of this story on News 10 Now and in The Daily Star.