Senator John Bonacic presented resolutions honoring the girls basketball team of the John A. Coleman Catholic High School. The Senator presented the resolutions in Kingston at a dinner on April 21 honoring their winning the State Class D Girl's Basketball title: http://www.recordonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20090322/SPORTS31/90322003/-1/SPORTS01
The text of the resolution is below:
Senate Resolution No. 1317
CONGRATULATING the John A. Coleman Catholic High
School Girls Basketball Team and Coach Guy Leonard
upon the occasion of capturing the 2009 New York
State Class D Championship
WHEREAS, Excellence and success in competitive sports can be
achieved only through strenuous practice, team play and team spirit,
nurtured by dedicated coaching and strategic planning; and
WHEREAS, Athletic competition enhances the moral and physical
development of the young people of this State, preparing them for the
future by instilling in them the value of teamwork, encouraging a
standard of healthy living, imparting a desire for success and
developing a sense of fair play and competition; and
WHEREAS, The John A. Coleman Catholic High School Girls Basketball
Team are the 2009 New York State Class D Champions after defeating
Sherman High School from Section VI, 39-36, at Hudson Valley Community
College; and
WHEREAS, The athletic talent displayed by this team is due in great
part to the efforts of Coach Guy Leonard and his team of outstanding
assistant coaches, skilled and inspirational tutors, respected for their
ability to develop potential into excellence; and
WHEREAS, The team's overall record is outstanding, and the team
members were loyally and enthusiastically supported by family, fans,
friends and the community at large; and
WHEREAS, The hallmarks of the John A. Coleman Catholic High School
Girls Basketball Team, from the opening game of the season to
participation in the championship, were a sisterhood of athletic
ability, of good sportsmanship, of honor and of scholarship,
demonstrating that these team players are second to none; and
WHEREAS, Athletically and academically, the team members have proven
themselves to be an unbeatable combination of talents, reflecting
favorably on John A. Coleman Catholic High School; and
WHEREAS, Coach Guy Leonard and his dedicated staff have done a
superb job in guiding, molding and inspiring the team members toward
their goals; and
WHEREAS, Sports competition instills the values of teamwork, pride
and accomplishment, and Coach Guy Leonard and the outstanding athletes
on the John A. Coleman Catholic High School Girls Basketball Team have
clearly made a contribution to the spirit of excellence which is a
tradition of their school; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
congratulate the John A. Coleman Catholic High School Girls Basketball
Team; its members: Taylor Leonard, Melody O'Connor, Lauren Carnevali,
Miranda Bernholz, Anne Shults, Melanie Kuhn, Stephanie Siracusano, Kate
Shults, Katherine Keegan-Twombly, Dayna Callahan, Lindsay Tschinkel, Ana
Saccoman, Crystal Juliano, Katie Davis; Assistant Coaches: Bob O'Connor
and Bill Kahrs; and Coach Guy Leonard on their outstanding season and
overall team record; and be it further
RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to the John A. Coleman Catholic High School Girls Basketball
Team and Coach Guy Leonard.