Bonacic Says State Budget Taxes, Spends Too Much, Hurts Everyday New Yorkers

April 1, 2009: As Legislators from across New York voted on the secretly negotiated State budget, Senator Bonacic expressed his opposition to the plan: “The State budget has been universally condemned by virtually every major newspaper and government reform group in the State – and for good reason. This budget taxes too much, spends too much, was developed in secret, and will drive small business out of New York State," Senator Bonacic said.
Thousands of New Yorkers have called and written to Senator Bonacic to express their opposition to the numerous new taxes and increased fees in the budget. “As a result of the budget, New Yorkers will pay more for things we use each day – cell phones, electricity, health insurance, hospital services, and auto insurance, to name just a few," the Senator said, discussing some of the many calls he has received from hard working middle class families who will be taxed higher based on the budget bill he voted against.
“At a time when families across New York are cutting back, this budget spends more. At a time when people are working harder to make ends meet, the government is taxing that hard work more," the Senator said.
Senator Bonacic has long championed property tax reform and has argued that if income taxes are going to be raised, then the revenue produced by that income tax hike should go to mandatory cuts in school property taxes. “The budget enacts massive income tax increases, but offers no property tax reform. By failing to reign in property taxes at the same time income taxes are being increased, we have lost our best opportunity to enact school property tax reform.”
For stories on what several major newspapers around the State have said about the State Budget put forward by Governor Paterson and New York City Democrats Malcolm Smith and Sheldon Silver, click on any of the below links: http://www.buffalonews.com/opinion/editorials/story/624459.html