Public Schedule For Senate Majority Leader Smith And Members In Washington, D.c.

Malcolm A. Smith

10 A.M.: Meeting with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand.
            Where: Room S116, U.S. Capitol
            CLOSED PRESS
11 A.M.: Meeting with U.S. Senate Democratic Steering and Policy Committee.
            Where: Room SC4, U.S. Capitol
            CLOSED PRESS
12:30 – 1:30 P.M.: Luncheon with New York congressional delegation. Media availability immediately follows luncheon.
            Where: Room H137, U.S. Capitol
            CLOSED PRESS
1:30 P.M.: Media availability outside of Room H137.
            OPEN PRESS
** Satellite coordinates for a taped feed of media availability, as well as a link to online video, will be sent out on Thursday.**
2:30 P.M.: Federal stimulus package briefing with White House staff.
            Where: Old Executive Office Building, White House
            CLOSED PRESS
4:30 P.M.: Meeting with U.S. Senator Charles Schumer.
            Where: Room 313, Hart Senate Office Building
            CLOSED PRESS
Joining Smith on this important trip are Senators:
·         Eric Adams (Brooklyn)
·         Darrel Aubertine  (Cape Vincent)
·         Pedro Espada, Jr. (Bronx)
·         Brian X. Foley (Blue Point)
·         Joe Griffo (Rome)
·         Craig Johnson (Port Washington)
·         Jeffrey Klein (Bronx)
·         Liz Krueger (Manhattan)
·         Elizabeth “Betty” Little (Queensbury)
·         Kevin S. Parker (Brooklyn)
·         Bill Perkins (Manhattan)
·         John Sampson (Brooklyn)
·         Eric Schneiderman (Manhattan/Bronx)
·         Daniel Squadron (Brooklyn/Manhattan)
·         Bill Stachowski (Lake View)
·         Toby Ann Stavisky (Queens)