Governor Signs Senator Saland’s Legislation To Provide Dormitory Authority Financing And Construction For The Rivers And Estuaries Center

Stephen M. Saland


Senator Steve Saland (R,C Poughkeepsie) today announced that Governor Pataki has signed his legislation (S.4602a) to allow the Rivers and Estuaries Center to qualify for participation in the programs available through the Dormitory Authority.

The Center provides important scientific and educational services to the local community and all New Yorkers. The Center when fully operational will be a scientific and research facility that also offers unique educational programs, including seminars, for teachers, students, and citizen scientists.

The complex will include a main office, conference center, docking facilities, classrooms, laboratory facilities, and residential/hospitality buildings. Public

lectures, forums and special events will be offered.

"The Rivers and Estuaries Center is proud to be recognized by the state legislature as being of such public benefit as to merit inclusion in the list of approved projects of the Dormitory Authority. This distinction along with the partnership we have enjoyed with Senator Saland and all Hudson Valley legislators, will help ensure that we achieve our goal of making the Hudson Valley a global center for environmental knowledge, technology and policy," stated John Cronin, Managing Director for the Rivers and Estuaries Center.

"By signing this legislation Governor Pataki helps us move a step closer to setting up what will be a premier center and program, enabling the Rivers & Estuaries Center to secure the more advantageous borrowing and expertise of the Dormitory Authority," said Senator Saland. "The Rivers and Estuaries Center will now be able to move forward and build their future home."