State Senator, Suzi Oppenheimer and Susan Sales, VP of Long Term Care and Administrator of Schaffer Extended Care Center, admire the brightly-colored quilt being made by Ludington Adult Day Registrants, Dorothy Burchell and Merle McCurdy

Suzi Oppenheimer

Ludington Adult Day Services Center Welcomes Senator Oppenheimer
New Rochelle, NY (June 12, 2009) – Recently State Senator Suzi Oppenheimer scheduled a visit with her friends at Sound Shore Medical Center’s Ludington Adult Day Program.  Though Senator Oppenheimer sent responses to this group’s individually written letters expressing concern about proposed Medicaid cuts, she felt their efforts deserved an in-person visit. 

Senator Oppenheimer acknowledged the registrants’ civic-mindedness and expressed her appreciation for their interest in current issues.  Commenting on how important it is to know the concerns of those she represents, the Senator gave the Ludington Registrants and staff updates on her current responsibilities and her hopes for the future.  In addition, she congratulated them on their contributions to their generation and those that have followed.  She mentioned that through their creativity and cooperative efforts, they have accomplished much.  And observing the handiwork of the registrants – a nearly completed quilt as well as many knitted and crocheted hats, scarves, ponchos and blankets that will be distributed in November to qualifying patients of the pediatric clinic – the Senator commented, “And you’re still showing creativity and cooperation.”

Ludington’s Adult Day Services Program is a medical model that provides comprehensive medical, therapeutic and rehabilitation treatment.  This allows rest for caregivers and allows seniors and individuals with chronic conditions, who need some medical support – but not around the clock – to remain in their home setting while receiving daytime support.

For more information on Ludington, call the Director, Pearl Hacker, LCSW at 914.365.4220 or email

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