Morahan reacts to gov.’s state of NY state speech

Thomas P. Morahan

Posted By Laura Incalcaterra On January 7, 2009

State Senator Thomas Morahan, R-New City, issued a statement today in reaction to Gov. David Paterson’s State of the State speech, in which the gov outlined a rather bleak future for us New Yorkers.

Paterson, and the state Legislature, are trying to close a $15.4 billion deficit over the next two years, the worst deficit ever faced by New York state. The governor has proposed a $121 billion budget for 2009-10, which keeps spending flat from the current fiscal year.

The Legislature, including Morahan, is required to pass a spending plan by April 1, but Paterson wants it passed by March 1, saying such action would save the state about $1.3 billion.

Tough though times are, Morahan says "taxes and fees must be the last resort".

“At a time when so many New Yorkers are worried about their financial future, tax and fee increases should be the last resort, not the first,” Morahan said. “I will continue to stand strong in opposition to increasing taxes or making cuts that would force increases in local property taxes.”

Read Morahan’s full statement, verbatim, after the break.

Senator Morahan on Governor's State of State Message: Taxes and fees should be last resort, not first”

State Senator Thomas P. Morahan, who represents Rockland County and a portion of Orange County commented on Governor David Paterson’s State of the State message, which painted a grim picture of the state’s finances. Morahan agreed with the Governor that the top priorities during the 2009 session are going to be addressing the multimillion dollar budget deficit and working to turn around New York’s economy.

“However, my priorities are going to be protecting taxpayers from massive tax hikes; fighting for property tax relief; creating jobs and turning around the economy; and working for changes that make state government work better and get results, ” said Morahan.

The Governor’s plan impacts everything from the public education, the availability of health care, and the taxes New Yorkers must pay.

“The Governor’s budget includes more than $6 billion in tax and fee increases. At a time when so many New Yorkers are worried about their financial future, tax and fee increases should be the last resort, not the first. I will continue to stand strong in opposition to increasing taxes or making cuts that would force increases in local property taxes,” said Morahan.

Morahan noted that on December 15, 2008 the Senate approved a plan that would redirect existing state funds into tax breaks for small businesses that employ millions of New Yorkers and could create even more jobs if their tax burden was smaller. “We need to close the budget gap and help New Yorkers by strengthening our economy and helping businesses grow and create jobs that generate more revenue for state and local governments,” said Morahan.

“I plan to work with Hudson Valley Senators, Members of the Assembly,Democrats and Republicans, as well as our Governor to address state and regional budget problems. I am confident that in a bipartisan spirit we will do what is needed to move our state forward,” said Morahan, who starts his sixth term in the Senate.


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