Business Council hears ideas for Empire Zone's successor

From the Democrat and Chronicle:

Matthew Daneman • Staff writer • October 1, 2009

Assemblyman Robin Schimminger, chairman of the Assembly economic development committee, and Sen. William T. Stachowski, chairman of the Senate commerce committee, updated Business Council of New York State members on Wednesday about the program.

The Business Council, holding its annual meeting this week in Rochester, has advocated replacing Empire Zones with a similar program that targets particular industries instead of geographic locations.

Stachowski, an Erie County Democrat, said the Senate is looking at a new version of the program that would do just that, with the idea taken from Business Council suggestions.

The Senate also is looking at the structure of New Jersey's Business Employment Incentive Program, which gives grants to expanding or relocating businesses, as a way of ensuring accountability, he said.

See the full article here: