WIVB: Senate dems committed to saving parks
On Monday, the Majority Conference unanimously voted for a budget resolution which restored all $11.5 million of the Governor’s budget cuts to parks operations. If enacted, the cut would have resulted in the closure of 57 State Parks and reduced operations at an additional 22 State Parks.
Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins (D/WF–35th District) said, “Our State parks and historic sites are important environmental, cultural and recreational components of our economy. The beautiful sites that commemorate our history, and all that our parks have to offer are treasures that we must preserve and protect in a responsible manner. From a purely economic standpoint, New York's State Park system generates $1.9 billion in economic activity, five times the Agency's total budget. The restoration of this funding is a sensible approach for overcoming our fiscal challenges….
WIVB – (March 24, 2010)
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