Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.

Senator Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr. (R-Merrick, pictured right) recently visited the home of Joe Baker (pictured left) to congratulate him on being named “Person of the Year” by the Merrick Herald. Mr. Baker, who has been the President of the South Merrick Community Civic Association since its inception in 2006, earned the award for all the work he has done to improve the quality of life in the Merrick community. 

Senator Fuschillo presented Mr. Baker with a copy of a legislative resolution he sponsored, which was passed by the State Senate, honoring him for earning this recognition. With passage of the legislative resolution, Mr. Baker will forever be part of the New York State Senate’s official record.

“Joe cares deeply about the community and is always working to make Merrick a better place to live and raise a family. He has done a great job over the years and it is wonderful to see him be recognized for his efforts. It is my pleasure to congratulate him on this well deserved honor,” said Senator Fuschillo.


Copy of the Legislative Resolution:

Senate Resolution No. 3588


        HONORING  Joe  Baker  upon  the  occasion of being
        named the 2009 Person of the  Year  by  the  Merrick

  WHEREAS,  It is the sense of this Legislative Body to recognize that
the quality and character of life in the  communities  across  New  York
State  are  reflective  of  the concerned and dedicated efforts of those
organizations and individuals who would devote themselves to the welfare
of the community and its citizenry; and

  WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and  in  full  accord  with  its
long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to honor
Joe  Baker  upon the occasion of being named the 2009 Person of the Year
by the Merrick Herald; and

  WHEREAS,  As  president  of  the  South  Merrick   Community   Civic
Association,  Joe Baker has gone out of his way to make Merrick a safer,
happier and more beautiful place to live; for his many achievements, the
Merrick Herald is proud to name him its 2009 Person of the Year; and

  WHEREAS, A former owner of Bagel Express,  Joe  Baker  was  a  court
officer in Hempstead for much of his professional life; when he retired,
he   dedicated   himself  to  the  community  by  organizing  the  civic
association; and

  WHEREAS, A true community leader, Joe Baker has  presided  over  the
South  Merrick  Community Civic Association since its inception in 2006;
during the past year, the group has made  strides  toward  its  goal  of
improving  the health and welfare of the community, including starting a
Neighborhood Watch program, revitalizing Julian Lane Park  and  unifying
the community on a number of residential issues; and

  WHEREAS,  Joe  Baker has been called upon to contribute his time and
talents to countless civic and charitable endeavors and has always given
of himself unstintingly; and

  WHEREAS, Throughout the entire period of his  community  service,  a
period  of  constructive  involvement,  Joe  Baker has stood constant in
dignity, good grace and humor; and

  WHEREAS, Rare indeed  is  the  impressive  dedication  shown  by  an
individual  for  the  benefit  of  others  which Joe Baker has displayed
throughout his life; and

  WHEREAS, With Joe Baker throughout have been his wife, Charise,  and
their  children Amy and Christopher, all of whom feel privileged to be a
part of his life and rejoice in his achievements; and

  WHEREAS, It  is  the  sense  of  this  Legislative  Body  that  when
individuals  of  such  noble aims and accomplishments are brought to our
attention, they should be celebrated and recognized by all the  citizens
of the great State of New York; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
honor Joe Baker upon the occasion of being named the 2009 Person of  the
Year by the Merrick Herald; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Joe Baker.