Broken escalator at Brooklyn Heights subway station riles riders

Daniel L. Squadron

BY Erin Durkin

The escalator at a Brooklyn Heights subway station has been broken for more than two months, leaving riders - particularly the elderly - struggling with steep stairs.

The down escalator at the High St. A/C station broke down Sept. 9 - and residents say the MTA has failed to fix it despite repeated promises. They say the up escalator frequently stops working, too.

"It is difficult," said Adams St. resident Ursula Hahn, who counted the 60 steps it takes to get to the station entrance. "I'm 72 and I can still do it, but it's not easy, especially if I have to carry a load."

MTA officials now say the escalator will be back up and running today - but residents and local politicians said the agency has already set three other repair dates - and missed them all.

"A broken escalator is frustrating, but missed deadlines and broken promises make a bad problem a whole lot worse," said state Sen. Daniel Squadron (D-Brooklyn Heights), who led a rally at the station yesterday to demand repairs.

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