Savino Calls For Subway, Rail Links For Staten Island With Floating $3B in Federal Funding

Diane J. Savino

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- Staten Island should get first crack at $3 billion in federal transportation funding that Mayor Bloomberg would like to see used to extend the No. 7 subway line to New Jersey, state Sen. Diane Savino said.

"If the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) wants to truly move people out of their cars and onto rail, extending a subway to the Island is the way to do it," said Ms. Savino (D-North Shore/Brooklyn). "The MTA should complete a 1912 plan that would have rail and freight access from the terminus of Victory Boulevard to Brooklyn, along 67th Street, and then utilize the R train route along Fourth Avenue. The projected cost of the plan is $3 billion, the same as the extension of the 7 line under the Hudson River."

"In 1898, when the boroughs voted to consolidate, Staten Island voted overwhelmingly to become part of New York City on the basis of two promises, a municipal ferry and subway service," said Ms. Savino. "After seven years we got ferry service, but 112 years later we are still waiting on the subway. Staten Island is part of New York City, with over half-a-million people. It is past time we have similar transportation alternatives that other boroughs have."

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