State Sen. Diane Savino Teams With Union to Donate Thanksgiving Turkeys

Published: Wednesday, November 17, 2010, 6:52 AM Updated: Wednesday, November 17, 2010, 9:37 AM
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- Just in time for the holiday.
State Sen. Diane J. Savino (D-North Shore/Brooklyn) and Local 338 Retail, Wholesale & Department Store Union (RWDSU) have joined to deliver 30 turkeys to Project Hospitality, which will in turn to provide them to needy Staten Island families for Thanksgiving.
“At the very heart of Thanksgiving is for those of us who can give, to give to those of us who are struggling, and this year, there was a lot of struggling,” said Sen. Savino. “I am grateful that the workingmen and -women of Local 338 RWDSU have stepped up again to assist Project Hospitality, one of our Island’s great philanthropic undertakings.”
The Rev. Jack Ryan, director of External Programs for Project Hospitality stated, “Especially this season when so many families are experiencing major economic problems, the generosity of Sen. Diane Savino and Local 338 RWDSU cannot be understated; people will eat a meal on Thanksgiving, because of their goodness.”
To Read More: http://www.silive.com/northshore/index.ssf/2010/11/state_sen_diane_savino_teams_w.html