On Staten Island, 500 Care Packages Prepared For Soldiers and 900 Turkeys Given Away

Published: Wednesday, November 24, 2010, 7:16 AM
Maura Yates
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- Staten Islanders participated in a variety of events yesterday to celebrate the season of giving, and share with those who are facing hard times this Thanksgiving.
Sen. Diane Savino joined with the Staten Island chapter of the New York Urban League, along with Retail, Wholesale & Department Store Union, Local 338, and other organizations to distribute bags filled with 14-pound turkeys and all the fixings to more than 200 needy families.
"During tough economic times, many families are having a difficult enough time putting food on the table throughout the year, much less Thanksgiving Day," Sen. Savino said. "That is why I am very happy to do my part on brightening the holiday season for Staten Islanders in need."
To Read More: http://www.silive.com/news/index.ssf/2010/11/on_staten_island_500_care_pack.html