Diane J. Savino

by New York Real Estate Lawyers Blog on 14. Dec, 2010 in Public Interest

Governor Paterson Signs Wage Theft Prevention Act
Yesterday, Governor David A. Paterson signed into law S.8380/A.11726, the Wage Theft Prevention Act, which addresses the failure by employers to pay statutorily-mandated minimum wages and overtime by requiring annual notifications of wages, expanding notifications, enhancing available remedies for wage law violations and strengthening whistleblower protections. The Governor also announced that he has acted on ten additional bills.

Senator Diane Savino said: "They say that New York is the safest big city in the world. Tell that to the thousands of New Yorkers who are robbed each week by their employers. For too long, penalties for employers who steal or underpay their workers have been so low, that it was simply the cost of doing business. This practice has hurt hard-working New Yorkers, it's put honest businesses at a competitive disadvantage, and has robbed millions of dollars in revenues from our fiscally strapped State and local governments. Today's signing of the Wage Theft Prevention Act has sent a message out to the thousands of workers who are simply trying to provide for their families-New York is a much safer place now."

To Read More: http://lawkipedia.com/public-interest/wage-theft-prevention-act.html