Winner: Here We Go Again?

George Winner

Albany, N.Y.–State Senator George Winner (R-C-I, Elmira) responded to this week’s news reports that Governor David Paterson is considering increasing the state’s cigarette tax by as much as $1 per pack by warning that it could the first of many new taxes and fees that will be considered by the governor and legislative leaders in the new year. 

“The session is barely a week old, but Albany’s leaders are already spinning out their case for a higher tax,” said Winner.  “I remain concerned that they just refuse to understand that New York’s workers, families, and employers can’t take any more taxes.”

Paterson was quoted in the Buffalo News earlier this week that “if things get rough, we might go back to a cigarette tax that would be devoted to health care.”

Winner said that the rush by Albany’s current leaders to “tax and tax more often” can only lead to local job losses and make it even harder for local families to make ends meet.  He reiterated his support earlier today for a state spending cap as the best way to begin seriously addressing New York’s fiscal crisis.

“The problem remains that when the going gets rough, Albany’s Democratic leaders adopt a higher tax,” Winner said.  “We have to put a stop to this tax madness.”

Winner has been outspoken in his opposition to the 2009-2010 state budget enacted by Paterson and legislative leaders last April, which raised state taxes and fees by more than $8  billion.

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