Budget 2010

The Senate is opening up the budget process like never before. For the first time, all Joint public hearings on the budget are being broadcast live over the internet so that New Yorkers across the state can be informed, get involved and be heard.
That process started today with the first of these Joint hearings (with the Assembly) on the subject of local government. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg testified that cuts in the Governor's proposed budget could cost the city over 18,000 jobs. Many others offered their own budget priorities and shared their stories.
The Senate’s priorities for the budget are clear: it must create jobs, control spending, and protect already overburdened taxpayers. To do that, there must be significant modifications to the Governor’s proposal.
And that's where you come in. What are your priorities? We want to hear from you and we want to provide you with as much information as possible so that you can make up your own mind as we move forward with this year's budget.
Click here to get started!