Governor Paterson's Veto a Blow to Fracking Opponents

Liz Krueger

NEW YORK—The governor is between a rock and a hard place—some would say, between big money and clean water.

On Saturday, Governor Paterson opened up what environmental advocacy groups are calling the “Paterson loophole” to companies wanting to expand their hydro-fracking activity. Hydraulic fracturing, or hydro-fracking, involves pumping a solution of water, sand, and a relatively small portion of toxic chemicals (0.5 percent) into the ground to bust through shale for the prized natural gas within. Many worry about contamination of the watershed that services all of New York City.

“The legislature can be proud of themselves,” declared State Senator Liz Krueger at a gathering in front of the governor’s office at 633 Third Ave. on Monday.

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