Chelsea Now: A Tree Grows in Chelsea...But Not For Long
Excerpt from Scott Stiffler's November 3, 2010 Chelsea Now story on the unwarrented removal of community plantings from a Chelsea bike lane median.
Kathleen Adams, who adopted the tree pit at the intersection of 20th St. and Ninth Ave., writes in an email to Chelsea Now about the recent upheaval of her efforts: “Well, either the Parks Department or the landscaper or both haven’t gotten the message about that tree pit because they keep tearing out what I am putting back in. At first I thought it was a bitter neighbor, but now I’m sure it’s the landscaper because they take out the “No Dogs” signs, the plants and then rake the dirt. I’m getting sick and tired of these guys. I have 200 bulbs ready to plant in the pits on 19th and 20th. What am I supposed to do?”
Chelsea Now did, however, receive a call from Senator Tom Duane...
Duane says, “I am trying to codify an agreement between parks and the landscaping company so they won’t remove the residents’ plants again. Public spaces belong to the public, and the Parks Department should be thankful that residents take an interest in keeping their neighborhood beautiful."
To read the whole story, click here.