OUR TOWN: Seniors Voice Concerns on SBS and Bike Lanes
Excerpt from Laura Shin's December 22, 2010 Our Town story on the information session State Senator Duane and the New York City Department of Transportation (DOT) held for senior citizens regarding recent changes on First and Second Avenues.
The implementation of Select Bus Service and new bike lanes along First and Second avenues has caused confusion and concern for some pedestrians. The office of State Senator Thomas K. Duane and the Department of Transportation (DOT) held an information session for senior citizens Dec. 21 on the issue.
“As with all new services, implementation of SBS and the new street configurations have had challenges as bus riders, drivers, cyclists, pedestrians and law enforcement, along with residents and businesses along the routes, adjust to the changes,” said Duane in a statement.
Duane said his office received a number of questions and complaints from senior citizens regarding the new bus service and bike lanes.
One of the key components of the street’s redesign are the bike paths that are separated from traffic lanes by pedestrian islands. Kim Wiley-Schwartz, assistant commissioner of education and outreach for DOT, said these islands shorten the crossing distance for pedestrians and make it safer to cross...
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