CBS News: Sen. Espaillat and Elected officials help to provide housing to Octavio Estevez

Adriano Espaillat

NYC Father in need of life-saving kidney transplant gets new home

By Alex Silverman

Friday, December 24, 2011


NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – Just days ago, he was pleading for his life on the steps of City Hall. Now on Christmas eve, Octavio Estevez and his family have a place to live and a chance at a future together.

Estevez is in need of a kidney transplant and had to leave his job because of his health. Because he couldn’t afford his rent, he and family have been living in a shelter.

Without a permanent home, hospitals have said they can’t perform the kidney transplant surgery Estevez needs to stay alive.

But now, that’s all changed.

Yvonne Stennett, who runs the Community League of the Heights, says they found Estevez an apartment on Friday.

“We’re able to come together and actually create that home that he’ll able to have once he has his transplant to come back to,” she said.

Estevez is calling it a Christmas miracle.

“My family is so happy, my children are jumping and very happy,” he said. “Today is a special Christmas, the most important day of my life.”

Sixteen hours after City Hall signed off, Sam Gaccione’s construction company TNS Development Group, was making it a home.

“My father passed away in 2002 from kidney failure, so when Yvonne called me and told me, I heard about the story, and when she told me it was Mr. Estevez it just had a personal note with me and I want to make sure we can do everything that we could,” he said.

Now, state Sen. Adriano Espaillat says what Estevez needs is a donor. “I am optimistic that we are going to save his life,” he said.

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