Carl L Marcellino

State Senator Carl L. Marcellino (R-Syosset) announced today that the New York State Senate has passed his bill, S.938, requiring the New York State Department of Transportation (DOT) and the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to develop a comprehensive program to combat wrong way driving in New York State. 

“There have been too many unjust deaths that did not have to happen if the wrong-way drivers were prevented from entering the highway the wrong-way. While we have taken excellent steps to combat drunk driving and increase penalties for wrong way driving, we still need to address the ease at which these wrong way drivers are entering our State highways and roads,” said Senator Marcellino.

          Specifically the legislation would require DMV and DOT to investigate possible reasons for the problem of wrong way drivers on New York interstate highways, assess what other states have done to address this problem, set forth possible solutions to the problem and implement measures to reduce the problem of wrong way drivers on New York interstate highways.

           The issue was brought to Senator Marcellino by Colleen Rey Cassar. On July 5, 2010 at approximately 6 am, her father, Huntington resident John Rey was hit head-on and killed by a drunk driver on the Long Island Expressway. The drunk driver entered the expressway going the wrong direction. 

            “The Rey family has devoted their efforts to help prevent another family from having to suffer a painful and devastating loss at the hands of a wrong way driver. This bill, done in honor of John Rey, will allow the experts at DOT and DMV to study and establish a viable solution that will make our roads safer for all New Yorkers,” concluded Senator Marcellino.