Choppers Plague Red Hook

Daniel L. Squadron

South Brooklyn Post

By Lisa M. Collins
May 9, 2011

It’s illegal for helicopters to fly over land in New York City. But you wouldn’t know that if you lived in Red Hook.

Residents along the waterfront areas of Red Hook have been plagued over the past month with the loud drone of nearly constant helicopter traffic; on nice mornings the choppers, mostly tourist flights leaving from South Street Seaport and flying over Governor’s Island and the Statue of Liberty, pass overhead as frequently as every five minutes (State Sen. Daniel Squadron has announced a protest rally for Sunday. See details below).

South Brooklyn Post watched helicopters flying over buildings on a recent May morning near Wolcott Street.

Last year the big story was the helicopter noise vexing residents of Brooklyn Heights, who complained just as loudly as the choppers flying overhead. In response to the protest, local politicians including Sen. Daniel Squadron negotiated a deal with the city Economic Development Corporation and the helicopter companies to move the helicopter flights. And now, it seems that their loop is taking them over Red Hook.

“This weekend, the flights were non-stop,” said Red Hook resident Todd Bonne. “Flights have continued to increase with the spring weather. Every three to four minutes, it seems. The noise permeates the entire neighborhood.

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